I am setting my sights on my life Flowing again like a Peaceful River.
I know it did Before....I have Read my own Words as Testimony.
The ZipCar thing seems to be working out so far....and it gets me out seeing the City, which is something I have always enjoyed from a "street level" eye view.....instead of being cushioned in my car all the time, radio and air on....buffered from the Real World and it's Precious People.
On the bus, I see things and people that incite my Creativity. Things that Enlarge my world....not keep it in the same little Isolated Bubble.
Things can Return to a Good State in my Life....
My Life will *Flow* Once More.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
I used to keep my gooey insides displayed for everyone to see. I was an open wound, a raw nerve --exposed to whatever or whoever I came in contact with. When abrasive contact caused me pain, I blamed the outside source. I never thought of looking inward. Of my responsibilty to gather my gooiness together and put it behind a protective case.
It took giving myself completely--and being smashed against the rocks--to realize that... A. I needed to protect myself and...B. I was not so gooey when it came right down to it.
Because I didn't come undone when my dreams were broken. I didn't spill like liquid all over the floor---I bounced back like Jello *smiles*. I regrouped, made a new plan, protected myself a little better this time and moved on.
I will never be Rock. I don't want to be.
I don't want to be sticky and gooey either. I want to be a soft, sweet substance on the inside--but something with integrity...
Like strawberry jello.
It took giving myself completely--and being smashed against the rocks--to realize that... A. I needed to protect myself and...B. I was not so gooey when it came right down to it.
Because I didn't come undone when my dreams were broken. I didn't spill like liquid all over the floor---I bounced back like Jello *smiles*. I regrouped, made a new plan, protected myself a little better this time and moved on.
I will never be Rock. I don't want to be.
I don't want to be sticky and gooey either. I want to be a soft, sweet substance on the inside--but something with integrity...
Like strawberry jello.
Friday, July 6, 2012
So.....This is my new mode of transportation. I decided that with the amount I was spending on a car loan on a depreciating vehichle, the added insurance after my accident, and gas....I should try using a car just when I really Need it for a while and seeing if I can save a little cash.
I guess I am kind of stuck in the city for a while yet...so the bus is available for most things. I have one standing appointment a week....and beside that, I would drive it just for grocery shopping and fun once in a while.
But my old car loan is paid off....which reduces my debt significantly. When my credit cards are paid off in about 24 months or so...I will be debt free.
We will see how it works. I am glad I have the Freedom to try something Alternative....without having to worry about what people think or say.
If it doesn't work, I change the plan.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Waiting on "my" World to Change
Yeah, so that last one wasn't a Unicorn...but it was the "Horsehead Nebula" and stars always look Magickal to me, so I figured I could sneak it into my series.
Waiting sucks. That's all I am gonna say about it.
But I am trying to keep my chin up til I find out what the estimate on my totaled car will be.
But I do feel like I am kind of riding a Wild Unicorn and hanging on by the Horn!
I feel Lucky to be alive and well...and I Love my kids.
The Rest is all on Fortune's Wheel right now.
Wonder what happens if I *stroke* the Horn?
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Anything Can Happen
The Universe is part of my "brand image" for many reasons....because of the Unlimited Possibilities that images of outer Space represent. But it's also about the Utter Impossibility of Our Existence....yet we Exist. Which makes finding More like us in a boundless Universe....Utterly Likely.
My car was smashed while I was running a red light....while I was on my cell phone trying to call my mechanic to set up an oil change.
I must have looked at the light at the top of the hill, saw green and then fussed with my phone until I was half-way through the intersection....at which time I looked up and saw I was running a red and sped up.
Good thing because there was a guy, maybe speeding.....who hit my back end as I was getting through the intersection.
Turned my car all the way around....I was still at the center of the Pivot Point...with time to think How Much Worse it could have been ....and about How Stupid I Felt to be on the Cellphone!
And it made my incomplete...( I had called a wrong number) call to my mechanic completely Obsolete!
No one was hurt....a baby in the other car may have had a bruised foot....the car seat was not buckled in from the looks of it.
It is in the shop...I don't know the Results as of yet...I am waiting til Monday.
I was on my way out to a lunch....happy, taking care of business.
Plans Changed.
It really is a Boundless Universe.
And we are just molecules on a dust mote floating in space.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Sprinkled Blessings
I received a small boon...unexpected wiggle room on an otherwise squeaking tight budget. *Sigh* of relief and an accompanying migraine....my body is so strange.
But I am happy to know that good things can still happen...makes me feel like "The God/dess is alive and Magick is afoot!"
Monday, June 18, 2012
Appreciating The Moment.
Time for some Unicorn pictures....and what better that a Unicorn with a Hot Platinum Blond to go with it?
I re-blonded myself today...and re-pinked. Just what I needed to go with my new out look.
It's been a Great summer so far....a BBQ, Grand Old Day with my boys, a little Father's Day get together yesterday that turned into Movie night over at Tom's along with my older son and my dog....breathing in Lakeville air...I appreciate it now that I live in the city.
People are so funny.
I re-blonded myself today...and re-pinked. Just what I needed to go with my new out look.
It's been a Great summer so far....a BBQ, Grand Old Day with my boys, a little Father's Day get together yesterday that turned into Movie night over at Tom's along with my older son and my dog....breathing in Lakeville air...I appreciate it now that I live in the city.
People are so funny.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
All Together Now
I have a Wise Cousin, named Bernie. He quite aptly and succinctly summed up Why my autistic son was so affected by my last relationship.
He said that when my ex did not share the love and affection that he was showing to me in front of Aric, With Aric....my boy reasoned that he was losing me. Since the boyfriend was not Participating in a Family-type relationship, a huge part of my Life was Off-Limits to my son.
So he reacted with the only tool in his toolbox that he KNOWS will get Results...Aggression.
It was That Primal to him.
And it makes me feel ill to think I had to put him through that to Learn the things I needed to Learn.
Yesterday morning, I kept him home later in the morning, because his big brother had stayed late making modeling clay figures the night before with him...and my son not only kept dry all night (for a month now--no diaper!) but also rode from Mpls to Lakeville in the front seat with NO NOISES. That means no stimming, or autistic hooting, etc. He has been working on that at the Therapy Center. Then he rode from Lakeville to Woodbury. Again No Noises. We talked like Adults....that was the Rule. We played a form of "I Spy" out the window.
It was So Cool.
He is showing me his appreciation for my choice.
So....as Difficult as it may be.... (Or Not? I am up for Easy this time, Universe.) ....I Absolutely Have to Have a Person in my Life who is Good with my Son.
Cuz he's The Dude, ya know?
He said that when my ex did not share the love and affection that he was showing to me in front of Aric, With Aric....my boy reasoned that he was losing me. Since the boyfriend was not Participating in a Family-type relationship, a huge part of my Life was Off-Limits to my son.
So he reacted with the only tool in his toolbox that he KNOWS will get Results...Aggression.
It was That Primal to him.
And it makes me feel ill to think I had to put him through that to Learn the things I needed to Learn.
Yesterday morning, I kept him home later in the morning, because his big brother had stayed late making modeling clay figures the night before with him...and my son not only kept dry all night (for a month now--no diaper!) but also rode from Mpls to Lakeville in the front seat with NO NOISES. That means no stimming, or autistic hooting, etc. He has been working on that at the Therapy Center. Then he rode from Lakeville to Woodbury. Again No Noises. We talked like Adults....that was the Rule. We played a form of "I Spy" out the window.
It was So Cool.
He is showing me his appreciation for my choice.
So....as Difficult as it may be.... (Or Not? I am up for Easy this time, Universe.) ....I Absolutely Have to Have a Person in my Life who is Good with my Son.
Cuz he's The Dude, ya know?
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Back on my Brain Again
I am Heavy with Concern.
Letting Go was getting Easier. I was able to *brush* the Thoughts away. Of him. Of what he thought of me.
Then he had to go and contact me. Breaking my Boundaries Once Again. Like All of the Boundaries I set with him...they were only Challenges for him to Push and Go Beyond.
But I heard she is a very nice person.
And I worry.
Just in case....
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
My Almost Perfect Playlist
Things have seemed kind of dreary for me lately, with my uncle's funeral, and starting over.
The ritual went really well...but then Unexpected Contact threw me for an Unexpected Loop. I wish my feelings had the same On/Off switch that some other people seem to have.
So I am turning to my music to soothe my savage soul. This might get added to...but here are my Favorites so far as I can remember right now....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uNLw3pXlVM The Stone Roses (Ten Storey Love Song)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbafSmvn6bI The Stone Roses ( Breaking Into Heaven)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy_DLF5uFXU&feat… Oingo Boingo (Not My Slave)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwRnW89EsxI Oingo Boingo (Stay)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PqWou7WTFA Oingo Boingo (We Close Our Eyes)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7_jYl8A73g&ob=a… Kanye West (Runaway)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uEJi0x-49E Atmosphere (Last to Say)
Son Volt (Drown)
Aimee Mann (Wise Up) The ONLY Lady on this list...Wow! Hmmmm...?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-H0uIH5HHQ&feat… The Jam (That's Entertainment)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfpRm-p7qlY&feat… The Jam (A Town Called Malice)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHP0UxBuuGQ&feat… The Jam (Beat Surrender) eh....not the greatest vid imho...but had to include the song
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf4EFDGP4yg&feat… The Jam (Down in the Tube Station at Midnight)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMLoUTBy47U&feat… The Style Council (Ever Changing Moods)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m94ip38UKs&feat… The Style Council (Shout to the Top)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CAzwewVjZ0&feat… The Style Council (The Long Hot Summer) Paul Weller LOOKS So Hot in this one! sigh
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5HfOipwvts&feat… The Style Council (Walls Come Tumbling Down) !!! Awesome Song !!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KKvRSP5MJU Dave Matthews Band (The Dreaming Tree)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elUwSHjfA94&ob=a… Dave Matthews Band (Crush)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H67uEgRZs2Y&ob=a… Dave Matthews Band (The Space Between)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z7fV-wB2z8 Adam Ant (Strip)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGonOgmtVzI Adam Ant (Whip in My Valise)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5ntc4OQ2JA&feat… Peter Gabriel (In Your Eyes) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVN2b0DdZAQ&feature=list_related&playnext=1&list=AL94UKMTqg-9DNpTJfJbphYWGOxFmf0XCK
Dashboard Confessional (Hands Down)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xKIP-i_XxE&feature=related Dashboard Confessional (Screaming Infidelities)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TahH7B_aUZc Coldplay (Speed of Sound)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqWLpTKBFcU Coldplay (The Scientist)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0VsvuvKT20 Coldplay (Swallowed by the Sea)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJoewRACRs0 Rod Stewart (You're in my Heart)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMNNwa46Plg Atmosphere (She's Enough)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE1uAb-OPH8 Atmosphere (Freefallin')
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuI61cTNbAk&feat… Sting (Shape of my Heart)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLvZbR0R3CA&ob=a… Sting (After the Rain has Fallen)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0Ae4K3q1Do&list… Sting w/ Mary J. Blige (Whenever I Say Your Name)
Sting (Fill Her Up)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr8lYMBf090 Sting (Send Your Love)
And my two Schmultzy Faves from the crooner with the smooth voice and the big nose....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6BePHgXWLU Barry Manilow (Could it Be Magic?)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjOwgefuEjg&feat… Barry Manilow (Weekend in New England)
*Bright Blessings*
The ritual went really well...but then Unexpected Contact threw me for an Unexpected Loop. I wish my feelings had the same On/Off switch that some other people seem to have.
So I am turning to my music to soothe my savage soul. This might get added to...but here are my Favorites so far as I can remember right now....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uNLw3pXlVM The Stone Roses (Ten Storey Love Song)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbafSmvn6bI The Stone Roses ( Breaking Into Heaven)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy_DLF5uFXU&feat… Oingo Boingo (Not My Slave)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwRnW89EsxI Oingo Boingo (Stay)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PqWou7WTFA Oingo Boingo (We Close Our Eyes)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7_jYl8A73g&ob=a… Kanye West (Runaway)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uEJi0x-49E Atmosphere (Last to Say)
Son Volt (Drown)
Aimee Mann (Wise Up) The ONLY Lady on this list...Wow! Hmmmm...?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-H0uIH5HHQ&feat… The Jam (That's Entertainment)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfpRm-p7qlY&feat… The Jam (A Town Called Malice)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHP0UxBuuGQ&feat… The Jam (Beat Surrender) eh....not the greatest vid imho...but had to include the song
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf4EFDGP4yg&feat… The Jam (Down in the Tube Station at Midnight)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMLoUTBy47U&feat… The Style Council (Ever Changing Moods)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m94ip38UKs&feat… The Style Council (Shout to the Top)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CAzwewVjZ0&feat… The Style Council (The Long Hot Summer) Paul Weller LOOKS So Hot in this one! sigh
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5HfOipwvts&feat… The Style Council (Walls Come Tumbling Down) !!! Awesome Song !!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KKvRSP5MJU Dave Matthews Band (The Dreaming Tree)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elUwSHjfA94&ob=a… Dave Matthews Band (Crush)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H67uEgRZs2Y&ob=a… Dave Matthews Band (The Space Between)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z7fV-wB2z8 Adam Ant (Strip)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGonOgmtVzI Adam Ant (Whip in My Valise)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5ntc4OQ2JA&feat… Peter Gabriel (In Your Eyes) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVN2b0DdZAQ&feature=list_related&playnext=1&list=AL94UKMTqg-9DNpTJfJbphYWGOxFmf0XCK
Dashboard Confessional (Hands Down)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xKIP-i_XxE&feature=related Dashboard Confessional (Screaming Infidelities)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TahH7B_aUZc Coldplay (Speed of Sound)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqWLpTKBFcU Coldplay (The Scientist)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0VsvuvKT20 Coldplay (Swallowed by the Sea)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJoewRACRs0 Rod Stewart (You're in my Heart)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMNNwa46Plg Atmosphere (She's Enough)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE1uAb-OPH8 Atmosphere (Freefallin')
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuI61cTNbAk&feat… Sting (Shape of my Heart)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLvZbR0R3CA&ob=a… Sting (After the Rain has Fallen)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0Ae4K3q1Do&list… Sting w/ Mary J. Blige (Whenever I Say Your Name)
Sting (Fill Her Up)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr8lYMBf090 Sting (Send Your Love)
And my two Schmultzy Faves from the crooner with the smooth voice and the big nose....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6BePHgXWLU Barry Manilow (Could it Be Magic?)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjOwgefuEjg&feat… Barry Manilow (Weekend in New England)
*Bright Blessings*
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Next Phase

After this weekend...Lots of things will be Different.
I have to say "Good-Bye" to Someone I really looked up to...someone who seemed to Leave too Early...Someone who Added a lot of Color to the World.
And....I have to say "Good-Bye" to the man who reminded me of him.
I measure Men up to my Uncle Butch. He is Handsome, Well-Groomed, Well-Spoken, Polite...But what strikes one about him After you notice all of that is the Buzzing Mischievous Energy behind his Smile...and you realize there is always something Hilarious about to pop out of that smiling mouth....and you also realize that with That Much Energy....it's probably a good thing he spends most of his day swinging a hammer.....or his Innocent Sense of Humor could turn into Trouble with a Capital T!
In fact, he is a little like Professor Harold Hill from the Music Man...Always there with the witty line....the perfect thing to say. A little sly and sarcastic from time to time....eh, Maybe. But only when the medium he is working with is Pure Honesty.
Maybe that is where I get my inclination to be the kid from the "Emperor's New Clothes" who is the only one to tell the King he is Naked. Butch has a way of stating the Obvious in a way that People who are Trying their Best to Ignore the Truth have to Face it Head On.
I know....I have been using the Present Tense...as if he is still alive. He just was when I saw him Easter weekend. It seems so unreal. And last night...even though I did not see him...he was laying dead from ALS (Lou Gehrig's) at the house he rebuilt. And in a couple days my sweet Uncle Butch will be mere ashes. And my family will be left with stories and memories.
I am also doing a Ritual. It feels a little like a funeral...but I hope in the end it will be a celebration. I am doing it with 3 friends to help me cut the ties that bind my heart to the Man I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with.
I am hoping the aching will Stop after this. This constant drain of Love pouring out of my heart into Emptiness. The constant Desire in my loins. The lump in my throat for all the "I Love You's" that I will Never get to say to Him. The tingling lips for the Unkissed Kisses. Empty Arms that want to wrap around Him and caress Him.
He was So Much like Butch. He stood up to my Measure of a Man in so many ways. That's why I invested so much....made so many changes to make the relationship work. He didn't like the way my life was arranged....so I rearranged it. It was working elegantly the way it was....But the "Appearance" of it was not to His liking. Now everything is Difficult. It would be Worth it, if there were a Relationship to work for. But now He is Gone...and his Life is the Same. My world is Completely Different, More Expensive, Extra Challenging...and I am Alone.
He wanted my Time. I couldn't stop at a store on the way to his house at night after dropping my son off....not even for gas or a pop. And he wanted my Perfection. No matter how well I dressed, or how good of a meal I cooked, or how clean my apartment was, or how many times in a row I was on time or early......He picked out the One Time I was dressed like a slob, or ruined dinner or hadn't cleaned the catbox or was Late once.
And the state of *Perfection* was Ruined.
I do my Best everyday. He told me my Best was Not Good Enough.
It still Hurts as much as it did the very first time he said it.
And as of this writing, I still Love Him with all of my Heart.
But Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.
I am starting a New Journey
This feeling in my Gut tells me it's going to be a Good One!
*Bright Blessings*
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Death Trumps Pain

She called last Wednesday...my night off from having Aric home with me....and needed support. She said the world had No Color. (I've been *there* before) He was in ICU dying.
I needed time off Really Badly. I had demands of me the next two days that ended up wearing me out and I am in Major Pain right now. I had to groom my son's dog, and she was over-excited and pulled the wrong way for my hip while I was carrying something in my other arm. That, and wresting her while cutting her cock-a-poo hair...just wore me down.
I also had meetings for Aric on Thurs and Friday. And I need to get my apartment cleaned of all the dog hair so I can get my shower repaired on Monday...but my HEAVY Kirby vacuum is going to Hurt. (Fibromyalgia Sucks)
But, a dying boyfriend definitely trumps my physical or emotional distress. There have been 4 people who have been So Understanding to me while I have been grieving my loss recently...and I would have been lost without them. She is one of them...and has been one of those friends that no matter how long we go between seeing each other....we always reconnect as if we were sitting back in the dorm rooms in college.
So I went over and we watched "Cheers" and ate pizza...and she showed me pictures of her boyfriend in better days.
I called her just now and she was sobbing. She was on her way to church and she said that her boyfriend had always called when she was on her way to out the door to church. But she was very glad I had called....(she said no one else had)....and by the time we were done talking she was laughing and I was smiling.
So, time to get off the heating pad that feels so good on my hip....Ice the thing and tango with the Kirby!
Friday, April 13, 2012
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