She called last Wednesday...my night off from having Aric home with me....and needed support. She said the world had No Color. (I've been *there* before) He was in ICU dying.
I needed time off Really Badly. I had demands of me the next two days that ended up wearing me out and I am in Major Pain right now. I had to groom my son's dog, and she was over-excited and pulled the wrong way for my hip while I was carrying something in my other arm. That, and wresting her while cutting her cock-a-poo hair...just wore me down.
I also had meetings for Aric on Thurs and Friday. And I need to get my apartment cleaned of all the dog hair so I can get my shower repaired on Monday...but my HEAVY Kirby vacuum is going to Hurt. (Fibromyalgia Sucks)
But, a dying boyfriend definitely trumps my physical or emotional distress. There have been 4 people who have been So Understanding to me while I have been grieving my loss recently...and I would have been lost without them. She is one of them...and has been one of those friends that no matter how long we go between seeing each other....we always reconnect as if we were sitting back in the dorm rooms in college.
So I went over and we watched "Cheers" and ate pizza...and she showed me pictures of her boyfriend in better days.
I called her just now and she was sobbing. She was on her way to church and she said that her boyfriend had always called when she was on her way to out the door to church. But she was very glad I had called....(she said no one else had)....and by the time we were done talking she was laughing and I was smiling.
So, time to get off the heating pad that feels so good on my hip....Ice the thing and tango with the Kirby!
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