Monday, July 13, 2009


The Critic's Blade
The Critic's Blade magnify
The Ego is a funny thing.

I get a lot of compliments on my writing. From teachers and friends--people whom I respect and it means a something special.

So why is one critic's blade mightier than all of that praise?

Especially a critic I really don't have much respect for?

I saw my final grade for her class--she gave me a "B"

Right before I was going to write this blog, a good friend IMed and let me know that a "B" was a good grade and that I had a lot to be proud of.

That helped so much. *smiles* He's someone for whom I have a lot of Respect.

Besides, she went through that paper with her red pen and the Eyes of an English-Teaching Eagle. I know full well how to write perfectly--I choose not to for the sake of Artistry and Poetry.

And besides, I to sit there for an entire semester and listen to her butcher Every French Word that came across her tongue.

I think that she and I are even as far as offending each others Language Sensibilities.

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