I haven't written in here since August. I am spurred on by the sudden prolific surge of blogging of my (ex) sister-in-law. It's some really good stuff and it inspired me to put words to page.
Not that I have been much. Tending the garden, as it were. As soon as school started for Elliot I we have been hitting the books right as he gets home. And I sit with him and help him if he needs it---and check all his work that he does alone. Nothing is going to get by me this year---no chance for lying or not doing assignments. I am Nazi-Mom when it comes to schoolwork! Three years of nearly failing or actually failing from procrastination and lying about homework Over! But I had some good news---his French teacher called saying he has the highest grades he's ever had with her! So it is working. And he is starting to feel the pride of doing well---I can see it in his eyes and carriage. He was sick for two days, and he emailed his teachers and got all his assignments and was caught up by the time he went back to school. That was Awesome. I would have stressed him out to the max before. So that is very good. But it is a lot of work to keep on him about it.
Aric is doing well in Therapy, I guess. I have had to step back from visiting him at MAC because they stress me out. I really don't believe in ABA therapy and it is hard for me to see him there. I would like to see him in the Sonrise program--but it is very Parent Intensive---meaning it would all be up to ME. Tom doesn't really agree with their program, and is happy with MAC. So I am just letting go and letting it be.
In fact, that is kind of my meditation and prayer lately. And it seems to be working. I have had a lot of stressful situations come up over the past year and instead of Reacting or worse yet, Overreacting, and making a bad situation Worse, I have learned to chill a lot more. Just take that deep breath and *wait* for a bit before Panicking and doing something I will just regret later.
Oh my, more Wisdom? I guess that means I am getting older. *sigh*
And it is snowing in October.
*Bright Blessings* to E/everyone