Things Happen Fast. The moments in Life just keep rolling like a train, and we puny humans are powerless to stop them in the long run. The most we can do is control how we REACT to the things happening around us.
I have heard some Empowerment Gurus speak of the word "Responsibility" as really being "Response-Ability", meaning your ability to respond is what comprises being "Responsible".
But sometimes we aren't aware that something Different is about to happen. Sometimes we are just following Routine. Not expecting that if we do the regular things we always do, that something could go tragically wrong, and we could suddenly be required to behave in a Different, Responsible, Able and possibly Quick manner.
And at the moment when we are called to do this Response-Able thing--it is usually just our Gut we have to rely on. Because it usually feels like the floor has fallen out beneath our feet, all the rules have changed, and all bets are off. And that tug in our gut telling us how to act is the Loudest Thing in the room.
We always hope that screaming intuition is full of Grace and Wisdom and Instant Ability. We always hope that it helps us to Respond Well. Because sometimes the situation just presents itself, and even taking a deep breath won't change things. It is what is is...Roll with it, baby.
So the Universe makes it's move, then you make yours. There it is then. Nothing left but the ripples.
I handled a situation with the exact same reaction people had given me for similar behavior in the long ago past. It was my gut reaction. It was the gut reaction of the people who gave it to me. It needed to be, so I saw it was inappropriate and stopped doing it.
When I did it long ago, I would have wanted coddling. When confronted with it, I did not offer coddling---I had none to offer. I was too busy protecting myself with a healthy boundary.
I have empathy and understanding of the situation--but that is different than letting myself get enmeshed.
That was my level of Ability to Respond.
We all do our best, I believe.
*Bright Blessings*